
Bijou Baby Care provides Newborn Care Specialist services to families, including 24/7 care, travel care, multiples care, sleep conditioning, product and purchasing consultations and nursery organization.

What is a
Newborn Care Specialist?

A Newborn Care Specialist (NCS) is a caregiver that has (in most cases) received training to provide direct care for newborn babies. A quality NCS will certify themselves as a newborn caregiver, and branch out into all areas of newborn and postpartum needs. New parent education, sleep conditioning, establishing daytime schedules and routines, lactation education, formula feeding, product education, nursery organization, and general daily care for newborns are all part of a Newborn Care Specialist’s role. Newborn Care Specialists work alongside parents and additional caregivers to provide harmonious care and support for newborns and babies on both an overnight or 24/7 basis for a contracted period of time that is typically between 3 months and 1 year long.

Emily Ripley

CACHE Certified
Newborn Care Specialist